September 23, 2006 - Stanch
Stanch \STONCH; STANCH\, transitive verb:
To stop the flowing of; to check in its course; also, to stop the flowing of blood from; as, "to stanch a wound."
Out of the corner of my eye I can see one of Shiggy's daughters busy at the rear door with a mop and a mountain of napkins, furious activity, but not enough to stanch the flow of water seeping inexorably into the room.
-- T. Coraghessan Boyle, A Friend of the Earth
Otherwise Stalin might have feared that President Harry Truman would stanch any North Korean invasion by threatening to use atomic weapons.
-- John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America
Stanch is from Old French estancher, "to stop a liquid from flowing." Entry and Pronunciation for stanch
Oh, god. I want to stanch the bleeding from my eyes and ears!
To stop the flowing of; to check in its course; also, to stop the flowing of blood from; as, "to stanch a wound."
Out of the corner of my eye I can see one of Shiggy's daughters busy at the rear door with a mop and a mountain of napkins, furious activity, but not enough to stanch the flow of water seeping inexorably into the room.
-- T. Coraghessan Boyle, A Friend of the Earth
Otherwise Stalin might have feared that President Harry Truman would stanch any North Korean invasion by threatening to use atomic weapons.
-- John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America
Stanch is from Old French estancher, "to stop a liquid from flowing." Entry and Pronunciation for stanch
Oh, god. I want to stanch the bleeding from my eyes and ears!
Посоветуйте средство ради ухода за бюстом. Еще единственный безнравственный дилемма к дамам)Меня затем потери веса стали слега расстраивать мои формы. Я, действительно, догадываюсь, который 3 размер всегда кроме считается "большим", однако я-то помню, точно хорошо постоянно было раньше!Словом, формы надо подтянуть и укрепить, посоветуйте что-нибудь. Хочется что-нибудь сурово-эффективное, но и грязнить нежные места всякой гадостью страшновато.Словом, требуется комитет бывалых) [url=]Некрасова[/url] [url=]Карина[/url] [url=]Интересный пост, спасибо. Также вторичен лично для меня вопрос “будет ли продолжение? :)[/url]
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM
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